Straightening your hair with Curl Keeper Products, ReMane Straight and Tweek!

If your goal is to straighten your hair, and to do without attracting frizz, here is a step-by-step straightening lesson. Successfully straightening curly hair depends on maintaining the correct tension between your hair and the comb, and the proper application of heat. When curly hair is stretched until it is straight, and then dried in that position, it will remain that way until it gets wet.

The right tools: 



The hotter you heat your hair, the faster the process will take. So we suggest that in order to protect your hair from being burned by the styling tool, you need the proper styling product. The goal of a styling product when straightening your hair is to protect your hair from heat damage, and make it easier and safer to stretch your hair as straight and tight as possible. 

Curl Keeper ReMane Straight™ does not use silicone or oil to control humidity or moisture and that is the secret to its success. We all know that oil and water do not mix—they repel each other. So, if you rely on products that contain silicone or oil, you will have to use so much that your hair will soon become greasy and dirty, weighed down with product, and product that won’t help you straighten your hair. Curl Keeper ReMane Straight™ is so effective during those super-humid weather conditions, so you can use a generous amount knowing that your hair will dry clean and be protected for many days. 

First, comb ReMane Straight™ through on wet hair from roots to ends for an even application. 

Next, separate a section of hair, stretch it with a round brush and pull on it. (This is where maintaining the right tension comes in.) While you’re pulling at a piece, add the heat of the blow dryer especially toward the ends of your hair to seal the hair in that position. You want to seal the cuticle in a closed position. Ideally, you should let each strand cool down before releasing the brush and letting your hair fall. It is important to do small sections at a time; perhaps use a clip to keep the rest of your hair from getting in the way. You need to have lots of patience. Shoulder-length hair should take about 45 minutes to straighten. 

After your hair has been blown dry, you may want to go over it with a flat iron. The secret to using today’s flat iron is to keep it moving, like you do when you’re ironing clothes. You don’t want to keep the iron still or you will get heat damage, or possibly burn your hair off. The ingredients in Curl Keeper ReMane Straight™ will help prevent heat damage. If you see steam rising, it’s from the product – it’s letting you know that you need to move the flat iron! It’s better than seeing smoke from burning hair! 

Finally, use Curl Keeper Tweek™ as a finishing tool. Curl Keeper Tweek™ will seal, flatten and smooth any flyaway hairs. You can reapply Tweek™ as often as desired without any buildup or feeling of product in your hair; just a smooth clean shine. 

If you want to put some bounce back into your hair after you've used the flat iron, attach a diffuser to your hairdryer, then tumble your head upside down and scrunch it a bit with the diffuser. This will allow some of the bend to come back into your hair. Although your hair might feel dry after using a hairdryer, it can still be manipulated to bend through using the diffuser.

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